Paloma Capital VC Fund 1
Our first fund is a $10m ESVCLP fund investing in pre-seed, seed and Series A rounds across a portfolio of 12-15 ventures in Australia and New Zealand.
Combined portfolio value
$250 Million
Invest at the ground floor in a portfolio of world-class technology companies emerging from Paloma's venture studio.
Paloma Capital is owned and operated by a team of entrepreneurs who have founded, scaled and sold technology companies in ANZ and the USA.
Our informational edge
The hands-on nature of our venture partnerships means that we have a far deeper understanding of the companies and founders that we invest in than traditional VC firms. Given that we work alongside founders in the trenches, we essentially invest with the informational edge of a co-founder.
Invest at the ground floor
We make investments at the pre-seed, seed and Series A stages, with capital concentrated at the Series A stage in companies that we have the highest conviction in. Our investment model provides access to early stage companies that are otherwise unavailable to invest in, with appropriate levels of diversification.
A track record of success
Our venture studio model has been baked into Paloma since our inception in 2016. We have consistently invested in venture creation since day zero. We have a strong portfolio of ventures with a remarkable success rate. Paloma Capital sits on top of that strong foundation.
Co-investment rights
Paloma earns sweat equity in the companies that we help build through our venture studio. The preemptive rights associated with this equity are made available to Paloma Capital at no cost - a unique benefit of combining our agency, venture studio, and venture capital businesses.
Paloma Capital Fund Manager Pty Ltd ACN 652 430 594 and Paloma Capital Fund 1 VCMP GPPty Ltd ACN 652 429 724 (The Paloma Group) are corporate authorised representative’s(CAR) (CAR Numbers 1292817 and 1292809) of Boutique Capital Pty Ltd ACN 621 697 621(Boutique Capital) AFSL 508011.Any information or advice is general advice only and has been prepared by The Paloma Groupfor individuals identified as wholesale investors for the purposes of providing a financial productor financial service, under Section 761G or Section 761GA of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).Any information or advice given does not take into account your particular objectives, financialsituation or needs and before acting on the advice, you should consider the appropriateness ofthe advice, having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. If any advice relatesto the acquisition, or possible acquisition, of a particular financial product you should read anyrelevant Product Disclosure Statement or like instrument and consult your own professionaladvisers about legal, tax, financial or other matters relevant to the suitability of this information.Any investment(s) summarised are subject to known and unknown risks, some of which arebeyond the control of The Paloma Group and their directors, employees, advisers or agents. ThePaloma Group does not guarantee any particular rate of return or the performance, nor does ThePaloma Group and its directors personally guarantee the repayment of capital or any particulartax treatment. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.All investments carry some level of risk, and there is typically a direct relationship between riskand return. We describe what steps we take to mitigate risk (where possible) in the investmentdocumentation, which must be read prior to investing. It is important to note that risk cannot bemitigated completely. For complaints please visit this link.